When Should Small Businesses Have a Mobile App?

App Store and Play Store are two chief app stores where hundreds and thousands of mobile application compete to be noticed by the end user. As a business owner, a question you must ask yourself is if it time for you small business to Convert Website Into App

It is quite possible that your business doesn’t match the approach of giving more importance to mobile-first, however, with the kind of popularity apps are gaining these days, we should consider the following: 

Have You Thought of Investing in a Mobile App?

Building an app was a costly affair back in 2008, when it was launched. With the growing popularity, there are many software that support app building online. App My Site is one such website that helps small businesses built native apps within no time. 

Most of us are aware of the fact that a lot of website don’t function properly on the internet browser on a mobile. Websites that are optimised for a mobile version are obviously ranked better on google than the ones that are not. This obviously impacts the revenue of a business directly. 

How Well Are You Doing Through Your Websites?

Online marketing means pumping in money for the SEO of the business to rank well on popular search engines. Investing a lot of money in the marketing campaign is a little difficult for small businesses. 

If your businesses has witnessed increased profits through your website, then opening doors for a mobile app could be beneficial for your business. You are probably missing out on a large audience by not being connected to the audience that use their phone for shopping and more. 

Have Your Competitors Invested in an App?

By keeping a check on what your competitors are doing, you can get to know a lot about the market trends. If your competitors have already launched an app and you haven’t, it’s probably time you consider inventing in one too. 

Even if your competitors haven’t launched their apps, you should still consider investing in a mobile app to get an edge over your competitors. 

In the earlier times, small businesses did not invest in websites while they were gaining popularity claiming their customers did not use Internet. The same situation has risen today when businesses are not investing in websites. Convert Website Into App today and get access to a larger audience and stay connected with them on a regular basis.


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