Responsive Website or Mobile Application ?

Many businesses are confused whether they should stick to a responsive website or invest in a mobile app for their users. With an increased number of sales of mobile devices, most people across the world prefer using apps whether it’s banking, shopping or entertainment. 

If you already have a website and are not looking Create App from Website, you’re probably losing out on a lot of business. 

Back in the day when websites were newly launched, a lot of businesses argued that investing in a website is not a good idea because most people didn’t have access to a connection. Although, in the present day and time, it is very difficult for a business to thrive if they don’t have a website. 

There are many places you can reach out to get your website converted into a mobile app, App My Site is an extremely reliable solution that is helping businesses go native. 

Should You Stick with a Responsive Website?

While it is a must for every business to also be responsive for mobile devices, it is not enough. Responsive website basically are programmed and coded in manner that the screen resolution adjust itself as per the size of the screen that it viewed on. Not only do responsive website provide excellent user experience, they also rank well on Google. 

Mobile applications are software application that are available on Play Store for Android devices and App Store for iOS devices for instant download. 

The question here is that a responsive website does exactly what a mobile app should, then why should businesses invest in apps? To offer smooth user experience to your customer, apps load at a much faster rate than websites do. 

There are other factors that make apps an obvious choice over websites which include usage without internet connectivity. You can’t access a website if you’re not connected to an internet connection while apps can be accessed even when you’re not connected to the internet. 

If you’re convinced to Create App from Websitevisit and get your native app today!


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